Thursday, July 19, 2007

The End of Day Three

Hi All! Sorry it has been a few days. I could say we've been busy, but you all know that already :o) We came home on Tuesday around one pm and I don't remember much of that day, except going to class that night. For those of you that don't know, I am working on my MBA at Mid-America Nazarene University. It is an accelerated program, so missing a class can put your pretty far behind. Michelle's grandma came by and hung out during class, which made me feel better about being gone for a few hours. Day two was a little rough as Quinn was still figuring out this whole being out of the womb thing - not a lot of sleep, but we made it. Day three has been much better as Quinn ate about every two to three hours and slept between that! Yea! Let's hope this is the start to the happy rhythm of our new family. I will try and get Michelle to blog a little tomorrow, but no promises as she's still pretty tired. Until then..............................

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