Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Oh, how I suck

Yes. It has been over a month. Horrible, I know. Therefore I thought I would send a little something out to let all of you know that I have NOT forgotten about this blog! I just have to get this stupid accounting class done and then I will have a week to breathe.

Anyway, the quick update is that that Quinn is amazing. Never did I think a little person that couldn't do much more than eat, sleep and poop would be so facinating. Every little thing - sounds, facial expressions, movements - are enthralling. He wiggles his way more into my heart each day.

He is quite healthy at this point, although he was not gaining enough weight at first. He was only 7 lbs, 11 oz on his one month birthday, which is about 1.5 - 2 lbs. under what he should have been. We started to supplement his regular feedings with formula and Quinn-man bulked right up, gaining a pound in a week!

Hope to have more out here for you all soon, but here are some professional photos that were taken at two weeks old - http://www.jamiemillerimages.com/slideshows/Quinn