Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Do Quinn and Poppy get along?

If I were to write an FAQ about life at our house, this would probably be the number two most popular question. (Number one is, "Getting any sleep yet?" To which my answer is, "Yes! He's been sleeping through the night since week 2!" Then, if it is another new parent, I smile sheepishly, knowing that this sounds like bragging of some sort, but really it's just me reveling in my amazing blessing of a sweet boy.)

Back from tangent...When asked how Quinn and Poppy get along, I often try to describe pictures from this photo session, so I'm posting them now, even though they're almost 3 months old.
And honestly, why should they not get along? Neither monopolizes the conversation, they don't make each other feel self-conscious about the drool, and they're both happy being the center of attention. Oh, wait. That last one does create some trauma for Poppy, since she pretty much loses out on that, but overall she's been terrific. And now that she's often the center of Quinn's attention, things are starting to look up for our pup.

p.s. Any other questions you'd like answered? Be sure to post in the comments as fodder for future blogging!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

9 month check-up!

And we're back on the growth curve at 17 lbs, 3 ounces, exceeding even my uncharacteristically optimistic guess! Yippee!

In honor of today's events, Quinn decided to skip all napping longer than 30 minutes. He also flirted shamelessly with all the ladies at Harper's Fabrics and Hen House. At the latter he was praised effusively for being "such a pretty little girl." Hmph. I ask you...is this a girl face?? I didn't think so.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Captured on film

Courtesy of Marty (daycare provider extraordinaire), we have two items of interest captured in the photo below.

1) Quinn is giving Marty the Seth-eyebrow. See it? Definitely daddy.
2) This is the first official photo of the twins. See the two pearly whites (nearly eclipsed by the hand he is chewing on)?

Stay tuned...tomorrow is the big 9-month weigh-in. Any guesses on how much he'll weigh? The only hints we have are that he weighed 15 lbs, 10 oz at his 8-month weigh in, and he grunts/growls for more food between each bite during his evening feedings. Piglet. Anyway, I'm hoping for 17 lbs. It's ambitious, but I can hope.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


So, one of our only real struggles with Quinn has been his eating/weight gain. He has been struggling to reach the 5th percentile in weight throughout his short little life. But it's starting to look like we may be rounding the corner on that battle.

Here's the little man and his new favorite pastime.

No, he doesn't really feed himself (I'm too mess-phobic for that), but I think this captures the passion he has for food.

As further evidence (and just because they're AWESOME), check out the pictures of his fluffy belly at our photo shoot with Jamie last Friday. Finally, a little chub on my boy!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Quinn's Lucky Socks!

So, Quinn wore his lucky KU socks today (courtesy of Aunt Laura and Uncle Tim), and guess what?? They worked!! In one of the cruel ironies of life, Quinn, the only one in the house with lucky apparel, was forced to sleep through the entire game. Which, considering the volume of yelling, cheering, and general woo-hooing is the second miracle of the night.

Now, I've got 2 days to teach Seth the waving of the wheat, Rock Chalk, and all other applicable KU craziness so that I'm not the only one in our living room looking silly on Monday night. Plus, we have to get out the matching paci, t-shirt, ball cap, and bottle for the championship game. I'd better get busy!

Friday, April 4, 2008


So, we had our 8 month (actually, 8 1/2 month) session with our awesome photographer, Jamie Miller today . Quinn, who is usually SO smiley, and did great for his 4 month session, was not so happy for this one. He did great for a while, but then he was just not his happy self. Could be because he woke up from his afternoon nap way early, or just because he wanted to show us that we can't take his smiles for granted.

Anyway, Jamie is great...we'll see how they turn out! Stay tuned for a sneak peek!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Cute update

Yes, he's still cute. Here's proof. Actually, I just wanted to post a more recent picture, for all of you keeping track. I'm going to try to get some video of some of Q's most recent achievements (most of them involve mouth noises), but in lieu of that, I figure we can't lose with a plain ol' pic.