Sunday, July 15, 2007

Getting Some Rest

We're taking a little break from everything with the help of some IV drugs. This wasn't what we had hoped for, but it was necessary for Michelle to get some rest. We are still at a 4, so the progress has slowed. I doubt many of you are up right now, but when you read this please pray that this is the only dose of an IV drug Michelle has to have. We need to get to a 5 before things will really start progrssing. Michelle has fallen asleep, so I am going to do the same. Stay tuned...................


Anonymous said...


Can't wait for the next update dude.

Elaine Brown said...

Seth and Michelle, you are in my prayers. Know that some times we have to have help through modern medicine. Rest is important. Please call if I can be of support for either or both of you. May your little one bring the joy that each of my new borns brought to my life. Elaine 913-940-4866 (my cell is on 24 hrs. a day.)